The Player's Codex - Skills

Skills are needed for characters to perform certain actions successfully. While not all actions require you to have been training in their associated skill, a lack of training will usually result in comical failure.


Skills used in the creation of things.

  • :

    The art of mixing potions, poisons, and transmutation of materials.

    Stats involved:
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
  • :

    The art of forging items from metals.

    Stats involved:
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%


Skills involved in the protection from harm.

  • :

    Skill at blocking attacks with a shield.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
  • :

    Skill at nimbly avoiding attacks.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
  • :

    Skill at deflecting attacks while wielding a weapon.

    Stats involved:
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%


Skills involved with being part of a guild.

  • :

    A skill for those who wish to harmoize with nature and have an animal or elemental companion

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
  • :

    The magical and mysterious skill used by the Brethren Guild

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
  • :

    The skill for those who seek what is right. The main skill of the Seekers of the Truth Guild

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
  • :

    The skill that allows for the practice of magic, especially black magic, by witches.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%


Skills that do not fall in a particular category.

  • :

    Helps to get the best price when buying or selling.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Skill at singing can be used by the initiate to make some money in taverns, and by the adept to augment powerful magic or turn the tides of battles.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
  • :

    The ancient art of taking what should be yours.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 10%
    • : 10%
    • : 10%
  • :

    The ability to sneak around, cloak yourself in shadows, and strike first in battle.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 40%
    • : 20%
  • :

    The ability to fish or hunt for food, and butcher what you catch.

    Stats involved:
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
  • :

    This is a good skill to have if you are in water.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%


Skills use with physical attacks.

  • :

    Skill with the longer blades including two-handed ones.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
  • :

    Skill with clubs and other blunt instruments.

    Stats involved:
    • : 60%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Skill with short blades including knives and some short swords.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
    • : 10%
    • : 10%
  • :

    Skill at using weapons that require more than one hand to wield.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Skill at using more than one weapon at once. Attempting to use multiple weapons at the same time without this skill can be a detriment.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Skill with polearms like spears or halberds.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Skill at attacking using bows, crossbow, or other types of projectiles

    Stats involved:
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Skill with unarmed combat.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%
    • : 10%
    • : 10%


Skills required to interact with magic or the supernatural.

  • :

    Create something that wasn't there before.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 20%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
    • : 10%
  • :

    Alters the functionality of something in some way.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Project magical power at your enemies.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Smite your foes with the power of your god.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 40%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Heal the living, resurrect the dead.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
    • : 10%
  • :

    Summon and control the dead to do your bidding.

    Stats involved:
    • : 50%
    • : 30%
    • : 20%
  • :

    Weave magical protections to protect against damage.

    Stats involved:
    • : 40%
    • : 30%
    • : 30%